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Index du forum »»  Disque dur »» Trouble with resize HFS+ mac mini G4 with ubuntu live cd 9.04 ppc

Trouble with resize HFS+ mac mini G4 with ubuntu live cd 9.04 ppc#2163

1 Modérateur(s)
Tektek_pieuvre Tektek_pieuvreicon_post
Hi everyone,
I don't know if I'm in the good place. I want install morphOS with mac OS X on a mini mac G4 in dual boot.
First I try to resize the partition hfs+ of the Mac OS X with the explanation in obligement site with Ubuntu live cd 9.04 for ppc.
This simple First Step doesn't work. problem realocation HFS.
Do you know if it's possible to check fix partition and resize with osx ? Which osx is better tiger 10.4 or leopard 10.5 ?
I need some help please.
Brumiga Brumigaicon_post
Bonjour Tektek_pieuvre,

Choisis macos x 10.4 tiger et non pas macos x 10.5 leopard. Apple a volontairement choisi de laisser la version powerpc de leopard non terminée ainsi que non optimisée. De la sorte ils pouvaient argumenter face aux possesseurs de ces anciens modèles que ceux-ci étaient périmés, obsolètes et qu'il leur fallait basculer vers les nouveaux modèles intel.

Hello Tektek_pieuvre,

Choose macos x 10.4 tiger and not macos x 10.5 leopard. Apple has deliberately chosen to leave the powerpc version of leopard unfinished and unoptimized. In this way, they could argue with the owners of these old models that they were out of date, obsolete and that they had to switch to the new intel models.

Tektek_pieuvre Tektek_pieuvreicon_post
Hi Brumiga, you're french ?

Thank you for advice ok 10.4 tiger is better.
I'll try to find it in or buy it.
In there's a retail dvd, I don't know if I can burn it bootable with transmac in windows 10.

Tektek_pieuvre Tektek_pieuvreicon_post
Hi everyone,

I find and use 10.4 mac osx but when I boot with and select disk utility and hope find rezise partition,
I only find create 1,2,3 etc volume or divise the partition. I'm scared to lose everything.
I don't want to lose my exist's partition 10.5.8.
I just want to resize HFS+ partition because ubuntu 9.04 doesn't work to resize it.
I use the repair utility disk, it don't find any problem.
In obligement forum the explain a way to start at zero point to install mac osx and then morpho.
Is it exist a way to use CD install mac osx just to resize partition mac hfs+ before install morpho OS without lose data of mac os 10.5.8 ?

Thanks at all,
nerumo nerumoicon_post

you can follow these steps to make disk partitions (several ways possible to make it), then install OSX first, then install Morphos, then parameter the MacMini to boot on Morphos first :

I recommand to install from scratch, so you can make several tests,
but you can also keep OSX installation (see section 4)

a long time ago, I used Ubuntu 8.04 live CD for PowerPC, but I prefer an install from scratch using only OSX and Morphos
 Message édité par : nerumo / 30-10-2020 05:14
Brumiga Brumigaicon_post
Bonjour Tektek_pieuvre,

Pourquoi veux-tu absolument conserver une installation avec macos x 10.5 leopard ? D'après ce que j'ai lu cette version provoque certainement souvent des ralentissement sévères. As-tu ou pas rencontrés ceux-ci ? Si ta réponse est oui alors oublie macos x 10.5 leopard et installe à la place macos x 10.4 tiger. A moins que tu ne veuilles conserver l'actuelle version pour certaines applications qui fonctionnent avec celle-ci mais pas avec la version précédente. Néanmoins, quand tu auras réussi à installer morphos puis le pack de logiciels chrysalis alors tu oublieras, tu laisseras tomber, tu abandonneras macos x, que soit 10.5 leopard ou 10.4 tiger. La raison à cela est simple, ces versions sont anciennes et plus maintenues, elles sont figées de même que les programmes qui fonctionnent dessus. Rien n'évolue plus. Point à la ligne, terminé.

Hello Tektek_pieuvre,

Why do you absolutely want to keep an installation with macos x 10.5 leopard ? From what I've read this version certainly often causes severe slowdowns. Have you met these or not ? If your answer is yes then forget macos x 10.5 leopard and install macos x 10.4 tiger instead. Unless you want to keep the current version for some applications that work with this one but not with the previous one. However, when you have managed to install morphos and then the chrysalis software pack then you will forget, you will drop, you will abandon macos x, whether 10.5 leopard or 10.4 tiger. The reason for this is simple, these versions are old and no more maintained, they are frozen as well as the programs that run on them. Nothing evolves more. Full stop, finished.

Tektek_pieuvre Tektek_pieuvreicon_post
Hi Nuremo and Brumiga, ok I'll try to start with a reinstall Tiger and morpho this week. I burn Morpho os 3.14 chrysalide cd. You say after install morpho to install a pack chrysalide. This pack is not !include!d into the cd ? I hope that I'll succed all steps. Stay safe
nerumo nerumoicon_post
you will install Chrysalis after Morphos. Chrysalis is not on the Morphos CD, it is another CD.
You can download it here

You do not need to burn Chrysalis CD, you can use the "mount" command, using the downloaded
ISO file, then install it directly

1 install Morphos
2 download Chrysalis3.14.iso
3 mount it
4 install Chrysalis
Tektek_pieuvre Tektek_pieuvreicon_post
Hi Nerumo,
Thanks for reply. After some installations without succeed, i decide to install only morpho.
At this time I have morphOS it's work well.
Before trying to install Chrysalide, I want to be sure that it's possible to do it, even if I don't pay for licence yet.
Best regards.
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
Hi Tektek_pieuvre,

you can of course install Chrysalis pack, reset and test during 30', reset and test during 30', etc...and after buy the MorphOS licence ;-)

The Chrysalis pack has been realised for that ;-)