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Index du forum »»  Création »» 2 démos ENCORE, 300% MorphOS :)

2 démos ENCORE, 300% MorphOS :)#2141

1 Modérateur(s)
Jedi Jediicon_post
Many thanks MDW (& Skyrunner) for this new great production "MORPHOBIA" ! :)


Good ideas & wonderful scenes around MorphOS butterlfies in the rythm of that superb music !

A nice gift for the 20th anniversary of the MorphOS first public version (01/08/2000)

This is the end of your first MorphOS demos trilogy... but like Star Wars : there are 3 trilogies ! (I hope ^^)

"MorphOS RULEZ !"

Download :

 This message was edited by : Jedi / 2020-08-03 01:30
Templario Templarioicon_post
Thank you for your new demo for our favorite system.
Templario Templarioicon_post
Thank you for the new version of Encore Morphoza 1.1
MDW MDWicon_post
I have updated all three demos to version 1.1. Unfortunately I see:

Everything shoud be in version 1.1.0. I am a bit confused. :) Maybe I should remove everything and upload again in versions 1.1.0?
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post

all is available now ;-)

sorry, i have slow ADSL...

Thanks a lot for all these updates !
 This message was edited by : Papiosaur / 2020-08-06 19:17
MDW MDWicon_post
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Now I can go to 7-days holiday. After the break I am going to back to another MorphOS activities.
Greetz to all admins and guests of
Templario Templarioicon_post
Thank you for updated th other two demos, and enjoy your holydays.