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Index du forum »»  Jeux »» Shogo disponible à la vente

Shogo disponible à la vente#2069

1 Modérateur(s)
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
Bonjour à tous,

Le jeu Shogo est de nouveau disponible à la vente sur le site de Hyperion :

Il se lance sous MorphOS mais je crois qu'il y a des soucis avec la gestion du son...

Voici le lien vers la démo :
Templario Templarioicon_post
But we can download the Amiga WarpOS version it works under MorphOS? and the game on sold needs the AmigaOS4.1
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
I've buy the product, create an account and now i have access to these files :

The AmigaOS 3 version contains Warp3D compatible wtih MorphOS. I test tomorrow.
 Message édité par : Papiosaur / 30-03-2019 21:33
Templario Templarioicon_post
Yes Hyperion has the account wirh these roots. But I want know if this version works. Because I have the account stopped of other things and I don't like pay for nothing.
 Message édité par : Templario / 31-03-2019 10:12
Templario Templarioicon_post
I download the demo files from MorphOS Storage but when I click on game icon it opens a requester: No available Rave3D driver.
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
@Templario : you must Wazp3D driver too:

The game don't start on my PowerMac G5, i think my graphic card is not compatible with Wazp3D...

I will try on my Mac mini soon.
Templario Templarioicon_post
I downloaded the files but when I click in the Wazp3D Prefes from MorphOS it continues open the windoiw requester ask me the No available Rave3D driver.
roschmyr roschmyricon_post
you must rename the Warp3D.library+Warp3DPPC.library in mossys:libs to use Wazp3D
Templario Templarioicon_post
I did it, but it does'n run.
Templario Templarioicon_post
I tested the game with the MacMini and it runs but the game hasn't sound, I think that my problems on my Power Book are for the graphic drivers, because always I have problems.