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Index du forum »»  Emulation »» Bochs 2.6

Bochs 2.6#1262

1 Modérateur(s)
nerumo nerumoicon_post

quelqu'un est-il parvenu à démarrer Bochs 2.6 ?
nerumo-A1230-iBook-Powermac-Powerbook-WarmUp member since 2013.
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
Non, je n'ai pas essayé mais j'ai trouvé ça sur MorphZone proposé par bash64:

"So lets recap how to install xp in MOS:

Download bochs-2.6.lha
Dearchive and rename main folder to 'bochs' instead of boch-2.6 (not really needed if you keep the hardfile in the bochs/ folder instead of the images subfolder).

The default .bochsrc config file needs a few changes but not much.

Run bximage and answer the questions with the defaults.
Make the hardfile image 'flat' and 2048mb in size (no bigger!).
bximage will give you the line to add to .bochsrc. Do so.
Make sure no other ata0-master lines are uncommented.

Example for 2048mb hardfile:
ata0-master: type=disk, path="c.img", mode=flat, cylinders=4161, heads=16, spt=63

Add a line for the cdrom as such:
ata0-slave: type=cdrom, path="ram:xp.iso", status=inserted, biosdetect=auto, model="Generic 1234"

Rip xp pro with NO service packs to an ISO image and name xp.iso and copy to ram:

Modify the boot option:
boot: cdrom,disk

Modify ram to 128mb for guest. There is a reason, see final comments.

Open shell and enter bochs folder:
>cd bochs

Run bochs:

Pressing enter at the menu will default to option 6 which will run bochs with the default config file.

You should see windows xp cd asking you to hit a key if the hardfile has windows on it, or it will just autorun the windows setup.

A whole lot of editing of the .bochsrc file doesn't seem to be needed. Its MOS ready.

And that is what has worked for me so far...

P.S. xp pro with any service packs is too big to install to 2gb.
Also, keep your ram, while installing, down to 128mb.
if you go bigger like 512mb xp will create a huge hiberfil.sys file to match and eat up 512mb of hard drive space. Left me with only 56mb free after installing when I did that.
You can turn off hibernation in control-panel->power-options and the hiber file will be deleted automatically."

voici également une capture d'écran sympathique :
nerumo nerumoicon_post
En effet, je risquais pas d'y arriver tout seul.
Ceci dit, je n'ai pas l'intention d'émuler Windows XP (encore moins la version pro)
avec Bochs, mais des versions plus anciennes, voire meme MSDOS.

Comme dirait le célèbre jouet éducatif pour les gamins :
"C'est bien ! ... Essaie encore ... "
nerumo-A1230-iBook-Powermac-Powerbook-WarmUp member since 2013.
screetch screetchicon_post
Pour le DOS, je te conseille vivement d'utiliser DosBox, tellement plus facile à mettre en place et à utiliser ! Je pense également que tu gagneras largement en vitesse d'execution.

De plus, DosBox peut executer Windows 3.11 donc des applications Windows de l'époque. Il me semble même qu'il est possible d'installer Win95.
nerumo nerumoicon_post
Après moult essais, je laisse tomber bochs pour le moment,
et comme le dit screetch, je vais revenir à dosbox.

J'utilise déjà dosbox sur PC, ce sera plus familier pour moi.
nerumo-A1230-iBook-Powermac-Powerbook-WarmUp member since 2013.