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Actualité du monde MorphOS et Amiga par Daff 832

David 'Daff' Brunet vient de mettre en ligne sur son site Obligement la rétrospective de l'actualité du monde MorphOS et Amiga de ces deux derniers mois.

Lire l'article.

Papiosaurpapiosaur Publié le : Dimanche 03 mars 2024 @ 11:08:00

Papiosaur Papiosaur
Encore un grand MERCI à Daff pour toutes ces rétrospectives, ces traductions d'articles, etc ! Un travail de Titan !
Jedi Jedi

Clairement la base documentaire Amiga N°1, de plus en français, on est gâté :)

C'est notre Wikipédia Amiga à nous :)

(et pour moi, même dans les périodes où j'avais vraiment tout lâché, le seul site d'informations Amiga que j'allais voir au moins une fois par mois, c'était... Obligement)

Obligement For Ever !

PS : pensez aux dons ;)
Templario Templario
It's not that perfect either, for example the Easy2Install the author and creative mind is Papiosaur ann the article he wrotes in this to BeWorld, and other example iis that he has me banned from his articles, although I'm already used to it there and in other places.
But I think that about iGame with his coment:
(idéal pour les pirates utilisateurs fortunés qui disposent de nombreux jeux).
He fell short, because here is the big problem for new Amiga software and games for Amiga NG and Amiga classic the new piraty disguised with the bad called name"Abandonaware" if the 90s piracy was the ruin for the Amiga, now this abandonaware is the new ruin, because why buy a new game or program when the user can get all Amiga games "free" to play with iGame and WhLoad or with other emulators, here is the big problem that no one wants to talk about or comment on.
The abandonaware kills new proyects because is the new piracy problems for the game and software developers.
daff daff
Hello Templario,

About Easy2Install :

The text was updated after a message from Papio. I wrote "Beworld" simply because the list of his programs !include! Easy2Insyall in MorphOS Storage (

About you who are banned.

It's not true. Just search "Morgue", or your name or the name of your programs on Obligement and you will find lots of results. In my news rubric, I don't speak about little updates, so no news about AstralGame 4.10, FontTester 2.00 or all software only recompiled with the new Hollywood. Make new (and good!) programs or big updates and the Amiga news websites will relaying the information.

About "idéal pour les pirates"

It's a joke. The word "pirates" is barred (strike HTML balise).

And stop complaining, it's annoying...
BeWorld BeWorld

Juste pour clarifier une peu sur Easy2Install, moi j'y suis pour pas grand chose quand même... ok j'ai créé une page PHP pour aller lire la base de données du storage, ok j'ai un peu aider... mais c'est Papio l'auteur principal de ce petit soft (bien pratique quand même).

PS pour Daff: petit faute sur mon nom dans la partie "Mises à jour de SDL2", je préfèrerais que tu utilises mon pseudo d'ailleurs ;-)
Sinon bravo aussi pour ton taff !
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7

My Works
Papiosaur Papiosaur
@BeWorld : Easy2Install n'aurais pas vu le jour sans ton aide où alors j'aurais dû tout faire à la mano... c'est quand même bien pratique une base de données qui se met à jour quasi automatiquement quand même :-D N'hésitez pas à soutenir les développeurs et les porteurs pour qu'il y est encore de belles nouveautés sur MorphOS. J'espère que le meilleur reste à venir ;-)
Templario Templario
Citation : daff
Hello Templario,

About Easy2Install :

The text was updated after a message from Papio. I wrote "Beworld" simply because the list of his programs !!include!! Easy2Insyall in MorphOS Storage (

About you who are banned.

It's not true. Just search "Morgue", or your name or the name of your programs on Obligement and you will find lots of results. In my news rubric, I don't speak about little updates, so no news about AstralGame 4.10, FontTester 2.00 or all software only recompiled with the new Hollywood. Make new (and good!) programs or big updates and the Amiga news websites will relaying the information.

About "idéal pour les pirates"

It's a joke. The word "pirates" is barred (strike HTML balise).

And stop complaining, it's annoying...

More annoying than me complaining is seeing how you think you are a great journalist by rewriting old stories about old games and programs.
New programs and games, when people donate, you also lie about all of this, you write about things that do not provide news, for example RedPill, but if you censor me, I don't care, this is a hobby, and I pass by people like you , which do not contribute anything to the hobby only tell old stories from the past.
The proof of how little it contributes is to describe current piracy as a joke. I think that people who believe in the hobby and try to do new things will not really like the problem of Abandonaware, because instead of spending People who support new projects directly download games illegally, and it would be good to start talking about that problem, and not just complain about lack of hardware or expensive hardware.

And stop complaining, it's annoying...Once again, it is more annoying to read old articles that contribute nothing.
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