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Index du forum »»  Matériel »» Black Screen in PowerMac G5

Black Screen in PowerMac G5#2300

1 Modérateur(s)
Templario Templarioicon_post
Now I have this problem two times a black screen while I writing in this forum, the problem can to be for the graphic card? because playing to the Return of Castle of Wolfenstein I had problems with the game speed and I had put a resolution of 800x600 when I was played to 1280x1024 with all to hight.
This question is to start to find an AGP graphic card....
Templario Templarioicon_post
Ian changing the thermal paste from graphic card and I cross my fingers.
But I could seem that graphic card is AGP 8x because It is different to my other three graphic cards, PCI, AGP and PCIe.