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Tower 57#1904

1 Modérateur(s)
Henes Henesicon_post
J'ai financé le projet il y a des années sur Kickstarter et, à moins que je sois encore plus aveugle que prévu, je n'ai vu nul part (ni dans mes emails, ni sur le site web), une quelconque méthode pour le télécharger...
Comment avez-vous fait ?
L'URL du message de l'auteur expliquant cela serait la bienvenue :-)
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
Idem pour moi...
BatteMan BatteManicon_post
Actu 72 sur Kickstarter (reçu par mail ici) :

En gros, faut envoyer un mail pour avoir un code (donc créer un compte sur, ce qui ne fonctionnait pas avec OWB sur mon Mini, qui est en 3.9).

Benitosub répond très vite, et en français dans le texte qui plus est.

/me espère que vous aurez votre clé rapidos !
iMac G5 2,1 GHz + PowerBook G4 15" 1,67GHz et bien plus ^^
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
moi de mon coté.. je l'ai acheté 12€.
et j'avais fait un don de 5€ il y a 6 ou 12 mois, je sais plus.
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post

merci pour les infos ;-)

Je viens de rajouter une bannière dédiée :-D
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
Voila avec la dernière mise à jour , les joypads fonctionnent !!!!

On peut jouer à deux !!! trop excellent :=!

release note : Update 6 :

Update 6:

- Removed another one of the game's design stupidities:
you can now use ESC to trigger the pause menu, no matter if you are using
joypad or not...

- AROS: joypad support via lowlevel analog hack!
Make sure you configure everything correctly in Trident and carefully
read the following:
AROS only supports complex dual-stick joypads by "abusing" the good old
lowlevel.library, which originally only supports digital sticks with up
to 7 buttons per device. To support complex joypads the lowlevel hack
essentially uses TWO devices per joypad: the first handles analog stick
#1 and the first 7 buttons, the second handles analog stick #2 and the
remaining buttons.
Therefore you must configure your joypad(s) to map to lowlevel port 0/1
(respectively 2/3 for the 2nd player's joypad) inside Trident prefs.
General-tab: Set the lowlevel ports to "Analogue Hack".
Clear the mapping, fill in defaults.
Click on "Joystick". At the right a list of all buttons will appear.
Make sure button 1-7 are mapped to port 0!
Make sure button 8-12 are mapped to port 1 and other than that have the
same settings as button 1-5 (button 8's settings should be equal to
button 1's settings, with the exception of the target port).
If you got all that right, it should work...

- Addon, AOS4: there's now a controllers_aos4.ini in this folder here which
allows you to map physical joypad buttons to those hard-wired in-game button
IDs (which corespond to the xbox360 controller scheme).
If your own gamepad works in general but suffers from issues like buttons at
wrong positions / double-mapped buttons or inactive buttons, this will help.
Just open up your input-prefs and an editor with controllers.ini and then
add a new section [your joypad name] and enter the mappings.
The list already contains a few and of course a default 1:1 scheme will be
activated if your gamepad isn't listed.
If you define new entries here, please mail your controller.ini to, so that I can extend the list and provide others
with an update.
For now the list contains entries for the following controllers:
Xeox Pro
Strike² SL-6535 (reports as "USB Joystick" :P)
PS4 Controller (reports as "Wireless Controller" :P)
Logitech F710
Thanks to Sinan Gürkan for providing info for those latter three.
If there's no matching entry for your joypad inside the list, then
the game will use a reasonable default mapping (which won't work always).
Note that this mapping has nothing to do with the controls mapping
*inside* the game's controls-menu!
If you change the controllers.ini then you eventually also have to
remap your buttons in the game's options menu!
Note that this may be necessary after this update anyway!!

- MOS: improved xbox360.class controller button mapping.

- Addon, MOS: controllers_mos.ini
Works more or less like the AOS4-ini from above, check the file for further

- Addon, AROS: controllers_aros.ini
Works more or less like the AOS4-ini from above, check the file for further
information. Maybe not that useful on AROS since you have to map everything
manually in Trident anyway, so you can as well get it just right there in
the first place.

- Addon, MOS: fullscreenname tooltype now working on MorphOS (check readme).
Unfortunately MOS' screens prefs is for MUI only, in contrast to AOS4
you cannot use your configured screens' names to lock / open it with std.
system functions (@MOS-team: it's a really nice feature ;) ).
However, I manually extract that information from the MUI prefs now.

- Addon: (at least my) AROS completely lacks custom named screen
definitions. Therefore I extended the fullscreenname tooltype to also accept
a mode-ID *hex* number as shown in the screen prefs.
Put a 0x in front of the number!!!
Works for all other platforms as well.

- Fix: the mini-map was not drawn correctly...
Cool that nobody noticed that so far... :P
Reason was that it didn't consider the alpha premultiplication I added
for all graphics to speed up blending calculations.
Also optimized it some more while I was there. It's still an example
of extraordinary inefficient code, but well, in this particular case:
who cares.

- Donors and testers credit lists extended.

- Important note to all people using joypads: don't forget to switch your
joypad to analog-mode!!

IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works
BatteMan BatteManicon_post
Euh, impossible ici de jouer au pad, que ce soit avec celui de la PS4 branché en USB ou via adaptateur USB pour manette PSX/PS2... J'ai bien mis le nom du pad branché dans le fichier .ini...

Tu mets le nom de la manette entre crochet ? [Wireless Controller] ? Faut faire autre chose ?

/me capte pas...
iMac G5 2,1 GHz + PowerBook G4 15" 1,67GHz et bien plus ^^
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
BAh non Battle, j'ai bien mis [Wireless Controller]
J'ai collé un reset aussi à l'USB dans poseidon

contra contre seul le joystick (gacuhe) de la manette Ps4 marche.

Ensuite j'ai lancé une nouvelle partie, et la j'ai pu activé les 2 joueurs.

IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works