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TinyGL r4 (2022-10-05) par bigfoot 735

Suite à la cagnotte de 8000€ demandée par bigfoot pour l'amélioration du support TinyGL pour MorphOS, il vient de rendre disponible une quatrième version publique avec l'aide de beworld.

Se rendre sur la page dédiée sur MorphOS-Storage.

source : MorphZone

Papiosaurpapiosaur Publié le : Mercredi 05 octobre 2022 @ 14:58:25

Templario Templario
I like the Boy Shader example, a good demostrate and introducing from 3D programming instructions, thank you BigFoot for this fantastic example.
BeWorld BeWorld
Shaderboy is a program created by Tcheko for info, thanks to him too.
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7

My Works
Templario Templario
Citation : BeWorld
Shaderboy is a program created by Tcheko for info, thanks to him too.

Thank you for the for the clarification, it has taken me the enthusiasm because I am trying with the GLGalore to do something in 3D...
Tcheko Tcheko
Citation : Templario
Citation : BeWorld
Shaderboy is a program created by Tcheko for info, thanks to him too.


Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.

Thank you for the for the clarification, it has taken me the enthusiasm because I am trying with the GLGalore to do something in 3D...

What are you trying to do?
Templario Templario
Citation : Tcheko
Citation : Templario
Citation : BeWorld
Shaderboy is a program created by Tcheko for info, thanks to him too.

Thank you for the for the clarification, it has taken me the enthusiasm because I am trying with the GLGalore to do something in 3D...

What are you trying to do?

Bonjour Tcheko, I am trying to make a simple square and donde research some system with the lights and Fog in Hollywood, but I found two problems, the plugin GLGalore uses OpenGL 1.0 and Andreas changed the commands and he renamed them, the search of examples so old is imposible and to have adapt from C++ to Hollywood too, with Lua I found the same problems except that It uses the last OpenGL, but with your easy examples from ShaderBoy is more easy understand the 3D concept althoug I am usted them because I am working in other bizarre project.
But thank you for your example and show the code.
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